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DragonCon 2010

AdventureCon 2010

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AdventureCon 09

Comet Western Film Fair

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DragonCon 07

AdventureCon 07

Star Trek 40th Con LV

*Star Trek Q&A Session - Don Marshall, Barbara Luna, Malachi Throne, Sean Kenny and Grace Lee Whitney. 

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*Here are some of the costume contestants...Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


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*Mark Goddard from Lost in Space....
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Buck Rogers Q&A Session - Gil Gerard, Felix Silla and Erin Gray.
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*Searcher Shuttlecraft  Model constructed by Mark Bradley

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*Ranger III  Model constructed by Mark Bradley
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*StarFighter model constructed by Mark Bradley
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*Gil Gerard and Draconian Marauder contructed by Mark Bradley.
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*Gil Gerard and Erin Gray
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*Gil Gerard and me
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*Erin Gray and me
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*Group Photo - Erin Gray, Felix Silla, me and Gil Gerard.
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Click here to go to Irwin Allen News Network.  Here you will find some more pics from the Con. 

Click here to see outside the Tampa Bay Convention Center.

Here is a slide show I put together. 

Scott Kilbourne

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