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Comet Western Film Fair - Asheville, NC
November 12 - 15, 2008

Its kind of funny because I live about 100 miles or so away and I have never heard of this event until I saw it on gilgerard{dot}com.  The event is on its 13th year.  I am used to going to Sci-Fi/Fantasy genre conventions, so this one was a little different for.  This was more of a "Western Con" than anything. 

I arrived Wednesday afternoon.  Once I got checked in,  I headed out to eat supper.  I was hoping that a Red Lobster was nearby, so I headed toward the lobby to ask one of the Hotel attendants as I turned to my left there was Gil Gerard talking to the other attendant.  I said "hi" and told him that I would see him tomorrow.  That was pretty cool.  Unfortunately there was no Red Lobster nearby, so I ate at IHOP which is connected to the hotel property. 

The next day was the second day of the film fair (click here to view the program).  The vendors opened up at 9:30am and the celebrities were scheduled for autograph and photo sessions at 10:00am.  I spent most of my time talking to Gil Gerard  and looking at the various merchandise.  Here are a couple of pictures of Gil Gerard.   


At 3:00pm, I headed to the Panel Discussion with Leslie Easterbrook and Marion Ramsey.  After the panel, that was it for me as far at the Film Festival was concerned. 

On the the third day of the film fair, it was pretty much a repeat.  I did spend a little bit more time looking at the videos and comics.  They did have some Sci-Fi comics.  I also got a couple more pics of Gil Gerard.  Luciana Paluzzi actually took the picture of Gil Gerard and me. 


At 3:00pm,  Rebecca Holden and Marlyn Mason held their Panel Discussion.  At 7:00pm, Leslie Easterbrook and Marion Ramsey sang a couple of songs and then Rebecca Holden sang several songs off of her new CD. 

On the fourth and final day of the film fair, Rebecca Holden autographed a photo for me and I got a picture with her also.  I also chatted with Gil Gerard too. 


At 12:00pm, Luciana Paluzzi and Gil Gerard had their Panel Discussion.  Luciana had to catch a plane and had to leave pretty quickly.  Someone asked a question about working with Sean Connery.  She spoke briefly about working with Sean Connery before having to leave.

Gil Gerard was asked several questions, the ones that stuck to memory was who was his favorite "Western actor" - Tom Mix.  I don't remember the exact question, but he talked about working with - Jack Lemmon, Olivia de Havilland, Jimmy Stewart and  Bob Hope to mention a few.  He also mentioned that his Universal Studios room was next to Bill Bixby, Jack Klugman and James Garner.  He said "How cool is that". 


Scott Kilbourne

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