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Day 1

Day 2 set 1

Day 2 set 2

Day 2 set 3

Day 2 set 4

Day 2 set 5

Day 2 set 6

Day 2 set 7

Day 3 and 4


DragonCon Parade

Dragon*Con, Sep 3 - 6 2010, Atlanta GA

Highlights from Dragon*Con 2010
I headed to Atlanta the morning of 2nd of September. As with any trip, I stopped off to eat a couple of times. I arrived in Atlanta after 1:00pm Thursday afternoon. I got myself checked into the hotel and then headed to the Sheraton to pick up my credentials for the convention. I had to wait over an hour to get my badge. That was not so bad a friend of mine had to wait for four hours.

September 3, 2010
First up, the I Dream of Jeannie 45th Anniversary panel with Barbara Eden, Larry Hagman and Bill Daly. There were several people there at DragonCon for the first time just to see the cast of I Dream of Jeannie and to celebrate its 45th Anniversary.

I Dream of Jeannie 45th Anniversary Panel

Up next was the Marc Singer panel. Marc starred in the original V and Beastmaster. Unfortunately Marc's plane was late coming in and he did not make it to the panel. I had some time afterwards to grab a bite to eat. I then went by the Walk of Fame to say hello to Erin Gray and later on Gil Gerard. I then headed to the dealer’s room before the next panel that afternoon.

The next panel was the Lost in Space 45th Anniversary panel with Mark Goddard and Marta Kristen. This was the first time I had seen Marta Kristen at a convention. A couple of years ago Marta was asked to keep Jonathan Harris’ (Dr. Smith on Lost in Space) dog. As I understand it both Jonathan Harris and his wife have passed away. The dog (I cannot remember his/her name) passed away just prior to the convention.
Mark told a humorous story about a guy who thought that he looked like a guy from Lost in Space and never really understood that it was actually him even when he told him his name. The guy thought it was a coincidence, very funny story.

Lost In Space 45th Anniversary Panel

Later that afternoon, several friends of mine and me went out to eat at Goodfellas Pizza and Wings.

September 4, 2010
Next on the agenda was DragonCon’s annual parade. I got on the street just before 9:30am to see the parade. While waiting, folks in the parade were passing by to get to Woodruff park, where the parade starts. I got to see a pre-parade. There were very good costumes and interesting ones as well. You can view pictures of the parade by clicking on the link titled Day 2 set 1Please be aware that there are 25 pictures per page.  If you have a slow connection, you may want to avoid the picture gallery. 

After the parade, I had to head for the Sheraton for Robert O’Reilly (Gowron) and J. G. Hertzler’s (Martok) panel. They were a bit late, but worth the wait as they were in their Klingon costumes and full makeup. Very good panel and humorous at times.

The Klingon Panel

Afterwards, I stopped to get a bite to eat and then I headed over to the Walk of Fame and then over to the Marriot to wait for a Photo-Op with Summer Glau.

Summer Glau

I was then off to a panel with Stan Lee. The line for this panel was wrapped around the Marriot at least two corners of the building.

Stan Lee's Line

Stan talked about Marvel’s upcoming movies and touched on a little bit on the new Spider-Man movie telling fans to give it a chance. He also talked about a new comic coming out soon (I believe he said it was the Super 7), but they had to change the name due to another comic had the same name.

Stan Lee's Panel

Later that afternoon, a couple of friends and me went to The Varsity to eat.
September 5th
Much of the morning was spent waiting for a couple of Photo-Ops (Stan Lee and the Klingons) and Stan Lee’s autograph signing. Stan Lee’s signing was over around 1:30pm for me anyway.

Stan Lee

Gowron and Martok

Stan Lee Signing

I was pretty zapped afterwards. I went to the room to rest a bit and then I got a text from a friend I met last year and he is also a member of one of the Star Trek boards I visit online, Vince. I met him later that afternoon at the Walk of Fame. We must of talked for 30 minutes or so catching up.

While at the Walk of Fame, I got a picture made with Barbara Eden.

I then headed to the Comic Artists Alley and then the Art Show. I saw a nice Star Wars painting, but not in my budget.

September 6th
This was the last day of DragonCon. I met up with my friends from Kingsport and we got a group photo.

We headed to the Dealer’s room afterwards and said our farewells from there because everyone would be splitting up.

I spent a while looking in both Dealer rooms, but I was most interested in the Dealer’s room with the props, etc.
It was the QMX booth I was most interested in. I finally found the booth. They had a large scale model of the USS Enterprise from the 2009 Star Trek movie and it was nice. I wished I had asked to take pictures, but there were people everywhere. Then I looked in the their display case and saw at least 6 Sonic Screwdrivers from the Classic Doctor Who to the current series. Needless to say was itching to get one, but these were only prototypes. Hopefully they will be available at the end of the year or first of next year. According to the QMX rep, each will have sound. There has never been a licensed Classic Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver with sound produced, at least to my knowledge.

Here is a picture of a Sonic Screwdriver just in case some of you have never seen one.

Up next was a panel with Jason Carter and Marc Singer. Marc was on the original V and hopefully they will bring him back on the new V on ABC. They are bringing back Jane Badler from the original series as Anna’s mother.

After the panel, I headed to the Walk of Fame and got a picture made with Robert O’Reilly and J. G. Hertzler without their Klingon make up.

I swung  by Gil Gerard’s table and said goodbye and got a picture with Gil. I also told Erin Gray goodbye as well.  I guess you noticed I’m kind of partial to the cast of the Buck Rogers. That was and still is my favorite "sci-fi" show of the late 70s/ early 80’s. I wished Felix could have been here too.  BTW, Erin was there as an agent not as a guest signing autographs etc.

It was time to depart DragonCon and head to Newnan, GA for a couple of days to visit with my Aunt and relatives. Before signing off, I will mention this. On the way home, I stopped by the Ye Olde Steakhouse in Knoxville, TN to eat dinner. I had the filet and a new dish called Citrus Glazed Sweet Potatoes. Both were excellent!