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Day 4

Dragon*Con, Sep 2 - 5 2011, Atlanta GA

Highlights from Dragon*Con 2011
Just a few things before the con...
I headed to Atlanta on the 1st and hit Cracker Barrel at Strawberry Plains for breakfast.  I had Uncle Herschel's breakfast.  It was good.  I've not had that dish in a while. 

At lunch time, I hit Red Lobster in Dalton, GA and had their Broiled Seafood platter.  One thing I miss at Red Lobster is their Seafood Gumbo.  They quit serving that a couple of years ago.  One reason I don't eat there often.

Arrived in Atlanta around 2:00 on Thursday afternoon.  After checking into the hotel,  I headed for the Sheraton to get my credentials.  The line wrapped around the Sheraton and it was a long wait for me.  Once I got in,  it did not take anytime at all like last year.  Afterwards  several friend of mine ate at Hard Rock Cafe. 

September 2, 2011
Friday was the first day of the convention and it started out with breakfast at the Sear in the Marriott.  Then I headed to William Shatner's panel.  Good thing I got an early start.  There was already a line at 8:30am.  Luckily they started letting people in early and it started off with a Dragon*Con DC*TV show that was being broadcasted live if I remember correctly.
Shatner talked about some upcoming projects (a new book coming out - Shatner Rules and and new CD - Seeking Major Tom) and he discussed his recent documentary "The Captains" airing on the Epix channel.  He interviews all the Captains - Patrick Stewart, Avery Brooks, Kate Mulgrew, Scott Bakula and Chris Pine

After William Shatner's panel, I headed to Sylvester McCoy's panel.  I believe this is the first time that Dragon*Con has brought in an actor that has portrayed the Doctor in Doctor Who, BBC's longest running Science Fiction series.   Sylvester is quite a funny person.  There were several questions relating to Doctor Who.  Sylvester is currently filming the Hobbit with his good friend Ian McKellen.  During the Q&A session, Sylvester himself got out with the audience with a microphone to answer the questions.  That was pretty cool of him to do that. 

After the Sylvester McCoy's panel, I grabbed a bite to eat.  I was planning on going to the V panel, but decided to hit the Dealer and Exhibition rooms.  I was looking for QMx's table and finally found it.  They are selling or should I say getting ready to sell a replica of the Star Trek The Motion Picture USS Enterprise for $5000.00.  Its limited to 500 pieces.  It is a beauty, but way too much for me. 

Here is a brief clip of it in action - USS Enterprise in action

Next up was Erin Gray's panel.  Erin spoke a little bit about a role in Felicia Day's The Guild.  Something that was mentioned and maybe I was aware of it, but Erin was up for the role of Captain Janeway in Star Trek Voyager.  Kate Mulgrew eventually got the role.  In my opinion, Erin would have made a great Captain Janeway.   She also spoke about her experience with Tai Chi.  Erin is an instructor at UCLA.  Ever since she started with Tai Chi she has not been sick. 

During Erin's panel, a friend of mine caught someone in a Buck Rogers flight suit.  Whoever did the costume did a very good job.

The WKRP in Cincinnati panel was up next with Howard Hessman and Loni Anderson
The one thing that was mentioned that I was not aware of was the closing theme to WKRP in Cincinnati was that the lyrics made no sense.  It was just gibberish according to Loni Anderson. 

September 3, 2011
Day two started off with the parade.  You can see the parade pictures in the album located in the upper left.  After the parade, I headed to the Marriott for a Photo-Op with Loni Anderson. 

Next up was Smallville - Three bad guys and a Supergirl panel with James Marsters, Sam Witwer, Laura Vandervoort and Michael Rosenbaum

Following the Smallville panel was Ernest Borgnine's panel.  The one thing that I did not know was that Ernest has provided his voice to the Nickelodeon Cartoon Sponge Bob Squarepants.  I remember him most for Airwolf with Jan Michael Vincent and of course McHale's Navy. 

I had planned on going Erin Gray's second panel, but there was only one Photo-Op with Laura Vandervoort and it was at the same time as Erin's panel.  I ended up going to the Photo-Op.

As far as panels, I was done for the day.  Afterwards, I hit the Dealer and Exhibition rooms.  At 7:00pm American Science-Fiction Classics hosted a version of Match Game (in the 25th Century) with guest host Gil Gerard.  They had two sessions of the game.  On the first session, Gil called upon me and I believe a lady he knew to be the first contestants.   I'm not really good at getting up in front of people.  I get nervous and stuff, but somehow and I don't know how I won that round.  I'll have to say this was probably the funnest part of the convention. 

Here are some of the questions that was asked to me.  I'll be paraphrasing.  I hope to get them as close as possible. 

After being wakened up after 500 years, Buck asks Princess Ardala for a warm ____.
I said bed and I believe one of the panelists did too.

The next question was about Jabba the Hut.  I'm foggy on the exact question, but I first said gold as the answer and Gil asked are you sure and I changed the answer to bat guano. 

One of the questions to the other contestant - David Banner should have taken  his ______ out of his pants before hulking out. The most answers was keys and that was the contestants answer too. 

The winning question was - Twiki asked Buck how did you use the _____ in the 20th century.
I answered bathroom.  There was several panelists that answered bathroom and some how I won.  The prize was an Buck Rogers action figure and Gil signed it afterwards.

September 4, 2011
I had planned on going to a few panels Sunday some were repeats, Sylvester McCoy, William Shatner and Lou Ferrigno.  I decided to skip the panels and checkout the Artists Alley, Walk of Fame, Dealer and Exhibition rooms and the costumers. 

I stopped by the Walk of Fame and had my picture made with Erin Gray and Sylvester McCoy.

I stopped by Michael Rosenbuam's later in the day to get an autographed photo for my sister and allowed to take a picture of him following the autograph.  I did not really get to talk to him long, but he is a very likeable person. 

I stopped by the Dealers room to pick up artwork that I had commissioned. 

Sunday afternoon while at the Hilton, I caught a bunch of folks in their Super Hero costumes and Stan Lee.  That was pretty cool.

September 4, 2011
Monday was the final day of the convention.  I only had plans for one panel and that was to see Sylvester McCoy's last panel.
I made one last stop at the Dealer/Exhibition rooms and got some more photos of QMx's replica Enterprise from Star Trek The Motion Picture and the Viper from Battlestar Galactica. 

I made a stop by the Walk of Fame and got a photo with Howard Hessman and then it was onto the Sylvester McCoy panel.