May 22, 2004
First Baptist Church - Church Hill, TN
Located in down town Church Hill in First Baptist Church's Activities Building.

Pork Chop Dinner Review:
The Pork Chop Dinner came with two sides, baked beans and cole slaw.  The baked beans was simply grand.  I am not much for cole slaw.  That was a bit of a disappointment, but the Pork Chop made up for that.  The Pork Chop was cooked to perfection.  It had a distinct flavor reminiscent of Ye Olde Steakhouse's steaks.  This Pork Chop was the biggest, "baddest", thicket and most tender Pork Chop I have ever seen or tasted.  It must have been five to six inches thick.  It would simply melt in your mouth like butter in a frying pad.  It was just absolutely scrumptiously delicious.   Each bite of the plump Pork Chop was tantalizingly succulent.  That was probably the best Pork Chop I have ever had. 
I would have to rate this dinner an A-.  If it was not for the cole slaw, it would have been rated an A+.