The weekend (Oct 10 -12, 2008) started off with MonsterCon at MeadowView Conference Resort & Convention Center on Friday.  I got to meet Felix Silla (of The Addams Family and Buck Rogers) and spoke with him for a while.  He was scheduled for a panel at 8:00pm that night.  I came home and did my afternoon walk (BTW, I am 41 lbs lighter) and went back for Felix's Q&A session. They also showed an episode of the Addams Family which was Cousin Itt's first appearance and he talked about the episode as well.  Here a couple of pictures from the Q&A session followed by a picture of Felix and I. 


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The next day I traveled to Roanoke, VA to see the Michael W Smith / Steven Curtis Chapman United Tour.  This was a great concert.  It was the first time that both were on the same stage.  At the beginning, both Michael and Steven came out to play a couple of songs.  Michael went off stage and Steven sang several of his songs and he spoke about how he is coping with the death of his adopted daughter.  Michael came back on stage and they sang their favorite songs from each other with the exception of "I Will Be Here" which is Steven's song and Michael requested Steven to sing it.  They both spoke about their associated organizations - Compassion and America World Adoption.  After a brief intermission, Michael started his set of songs.  Steven was there for a couple songs, but then disappeared off stage.  Michael sang a new song from his upcoming CD followed by several worship songs.  Steven came out for two or three more songs before the end of the concert. 


The next day I went back to MonsterCon.  Sara Karloff spoke about her father Boris and showed some home movies and episode of "This is Your Life" featuring Boris Karloff.  The home movie and "This is Your Life" episode was very interesting.  There was also puppeteer there who worked with Jim Henson.  His name is Bill Diamond.  He is a friend of Felix.  I also met Dick Warlock  who is a retired Hollywood stuntman and is a friend of Felix' too.  As it turned out, Dick actually lives in Kingsport, TN.  He has been living here since retiring. 


This is a snap shot of Dick Warlock, Felix Silla and me. 

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All in all, a great weekend.