Highlights from my STAR TREK Las Vegas Convention 2006 trip
I pre-registered for the event Wednesday afternoon. Here are a few pics of the line that was formed for the pre- registration
Once I pre-registered, I headed for the Exhibition (Dealers) room. I stopped by the Master Replicas booth and saw the Enterprise they had on display. I have to say it is a very nice piece.
At the Master Replicas table, they were also selling the Corgi Enterprise. I picked one of those up for $30.00.
After looking at the Master Replicas booth, I just happen to look up and saw a familiar
face - Greg Evigan of BJ and the Bear (NBC-TV Series of the late 70s and early
I was able to get a picture with him and an autograph. There were several actors/actresses in the Exhibition room signing autographs and giving photo ops. The other three that I met will be revealed later. To be honest, this was a big surprise for me and it pretty much made my weekend. I grew up watching BJ and the Bear among other TV series. In the spring of 1980, my appendix ruptured on me and BJ and the Bear is one of the shows I remember watching while in the hospital. I also watched Greg's other series - My Two Dads and TekWar.
I continued to browse the other dealer tables. I did stop by NewForceComics table. Rick was busy and I never really got to speak with him.
The next day (Thursday the official start of the convention) I got to meet Richard Coyle and got a sneak peek at his new product - the Star Trek III Phaser. I also got to meet some of the staff of Roddenberry.com.
Afterwards, I saw Gary Graham in the Barron room. I remember Gary most for his role on Alien Nation. I also saw Michael Wesmore, Armin Shimerman, Avery Brooks, Jonathan Frakes and Brent Spiner. I have to say Jonathan Frakes and Brent Spiner were hilarious together. Here is a pic of Jonathan I got while he was going to the Barron Room (main convention room).
I had breakfast with Richard Coyle and his associate on Friday morning. At
least, I remember it being Friday morning. Then we headed to the
Exhibition Room. Robert Culp was another actor in the Exhibition room.
Since Richard had worked on some of the props on the
Greatest American Hero, I
thought it was fitting to have him in the picture too. I also was able to
get an autograph too. That Greatest American Hero was one of my favorite shows in the early 80s.
During the convention, several representatives from CBS, StarTrek.com, Pocket Books and Mike and Denise Okuda spoke about the different aspects of Star Trek. There are a lot of Star Trek merchandise coming up - books, video games, etc. I also saw Jeffrey Combs, Marc Alaimo, Aron Eisenberg, Robert Picardo and Ethan Phillips. The most memorable was a Theatrical Comedy called House Call by Robert Picardo, Ethan Phillips and a fan. The play was performed on stage by Robert Picardo and Ethan Phillips.
I was also able to ride the two Star Trek Experience rides. There were a lot of costumes and props on the way in to the Borg Invasion and Klingon Encounter. Here a few pictures of those props...
The next day, Saturday was a big day for me. I had my picture taken on
a replica Bridge set with
wax figures from the classic series.
I then saw Nichelle Nichols, Walter Koenig and George Takei on stage together at the Barron Room. I was then off to a photo op with William Shatner.
After the photo op, I headed to the Barron Room for Leonard Nimoy. After Leonard finished, it was William Shatner's turn. Afterwards both of them was on stage together. I got to admit, both William and Leonard were hilarious on stage together. After that was over, I headed to a photo op with Leonard Nimoy. I had to wait a little longer for his picture.
Then I was off to Leonard's "See What I See" one man show. He talked mostly about his current passion, photography. He also demonstrated and told the story of how the Vulcan hand greeting came to be.
I also had an opportunity to have a picture made with Bob May "The Robot" from the Lost in Space and Richard Kiel - "Voltaire" on the Wild Wild West and "Jaws" from a couple of James Bond movies. This took place in the Exhibition room.
There was a costume contest that afternoon. I did not make it, but I
was told the person on the right with the Borg costume won the event.
The next day and final day of the convention I attended the Celebrity Breakfast and Charity Silent Auction. Tim Russ, Garrett Wang was in attendance to this event.
The person in the white shirt is an actor that played an admiral. I never did catch his name. Robbie McNeill was originally scheduled.
Later in the day, I was able to see Majel Roddenberry, Carel Struycken, Trevor from Roddenberry.com, Scott Bakula and Michael Dorn on the main stage at the Barron Room.
I also stopped by the Roddenbery.com booth and took a few pics of their props.
Throughout the weekend in the Autograph Room, there were many guest stars of the original series thru the latest series - Enterprise. Barabara Luna, James Darren, Lee Meriwhether, William Schallert, Grace Lee Whitney, Felix Silla, Chase Masterson are just to name a few.
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