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MegaCon 2011, Mar 25th - 27th 2011, Orlando, FL

Highlights from MegaCon 2011
This was my first time at MegaCon. It was held at the Orange County Convention Center West. MegaCon took up Halls D, E and F. The celebrities, vendor tables, artists and exhibits where all contained in Hall D. Hall F was used for panels that drew large crowds.

On Friday, I stopped by to see Gil Gerard and Erin Gray. I then headed off to look at the vendor tables, artists and exhibits. What caught my eye right off hand was a Lego based Star Wars creation.

I browsed the vendor tables and really did not see too much that interested me, so I headed toward the Artists’ area. I was looking around a spotted some artwork that looked cool and it turned out to be an artist I’ve met before Kevin Leen at AdventureCon back in 2009.

Then I spotted K-9 and a Dalek from Doctor Who. This was at the R2 Builders club exhibit and they had many R2 units and all were remote controlled even K-9 was remote controlled.

Here is the creature that hurt Luke on the planet Hoth in the movie Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back. 

Han Solo in Carbonite. 

Yoda from Revenge of the Sith.

The next few pictures are from the R2 Builders club exhibit. 

The first panel I attended was the Buck Rogers panel. I’ve been to several Buck Rogers panels and there is always something new. There was a question asked to both Gil and Erin about who is their hero. Gil mentioned his father. Gil told the story of applying for a position at John Deere. His father was working there at the time or had worked there. When he got the interview, they asked if he was related to Mr. Gerard. Once they found out he was, they begin to speak very highly of him and told Gil that if he was anything like his father he had the job. During the telling of this Gil got emotional, but was able to finish the story. I know there were tears coming from the fans too.

Erin’s answer was not a specific person, but Police Officers, Fire Fighters, etc. A couple of things I learned about Erin and I never knew before is she collects Police badges. She briefly mentioned that there was some sort of abuse in her early years. She did not go into details on that. One of her Charities is Haven House,  a shelter for battered women.

Following the panel was a Photo-Op with both Gil and Erin.

The Photo-Op was followed by a Battlestar Galactica panel with Jack Stauffer, Anne Lockhart and Herbert Jefferson Jr.

Scott Kilbourne

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