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Day 3
MegaCon 2011, Mar 25th - 27th 2011, Orlando, FL

Highlights from MegaCon 2011 Day 3
On Sunday the last day of the convention, I went to the John Schneider panel. He had just finished filming the Series finale of Smallville. He really could not say too much about it, but he did say he saw the Superman suit. Someone asked him what he thought of the Dukes of Hazard movie with Johnny Knoxville and Owen Wilson, one word awful.

Afterwards I stopped by the 501st Legion exhibit and the R2 Builders club and took picture after picture.

Here is another exhibit, Ghostbusters.

After taking quite a few pictures, it was time for a Photo-Op with John Schneider. 

A big thanks to Gil Gerard and Lou Ferrigno for allowing to take this photo!  Two my my childhood heroes together.

Next door to Lou in a manner of speaking was Erin Gray. 

Here is Gil Gerard and the new Buck Rogers action figure made in his likeness.  These action figures was just recently released by Zica Toys.  Behind Gil are the Tigerman action figures.  The first wave includes Buck and Tigerman (which have already been released), Hawk, Killer Kane and a Draconian Guard (soon to be released).  If sales are good, there will be a wave two that will have Wilma, Twiki, the Vorvon (Space Vampire) and Princess Ardala. 

Scott Kilbourne

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